Alberto is the name of the protagonist of “The guy with a strange karma”: he is a young Sicilian guy, who, disappointed by his life and a not very good relationship with parents and friends, suddenly decides to move from his island to go to Milan, where an old friend of his, Milo, gives him hospitality. But the city is not the Heaven that Alberto wanted to achieve, because it offers too much entertainment and Milo has changed, but his friendship with Alberto still remains sincere.
Alberto is falling down into an existential crisis, trying to fight against life. Patrizia, a girl occasionally met a night, decides to call him “karma guy”, because she realizes that every action he does or every behavior he has don't come by the fate. Alberto is smart, he knows how to make difference between good and evil, and he suffers for friends who are going through very bad moments in their lives.
This novel is a mix of events, sufferings, uncertainties and violence, taking place in a city where the protagonist is not very calm to take important decisions about his future life, he is distracted by a complicated female universe made up of Patrizia, Federica and Lara.
The reading of this novel is very interesting and thrill because the writer knows how to involve the readers with a very easy style, using many words coming from the universe of youth. Alberto also wants to delete his past, but it comes back so soon: its name is Lara. She’s his old best friend who arrives in Milan, and together they try to find happiness somewhere else.
This novel, like the past one called “Esprit libre”, shows us a small part of the writer, who thinks that travelling is a necessity of the soul, but also friendship, happiness, solidarity and love for friends. All these things are essential for D’Agostino, because they give him inspiration for his writing, and this must be considered such a great heritage for all of us.
(prefazione italiana del giornalista Giucar Marcone)
(traduzione a cura della dott.ssa Imma Sciplini)
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